Ride the River

"Don't you know there is no effort if you are riding with your river?" – Carl (Frederick) Freiseke Well, maybe that's less true this time of year. Bruce and I went down the river this afternoon from my place near 2400 to his place near the SR47 (Division Street) Bridge. It was a beautiful trip down a beautiful stretch of […]

Things Goin’ On

Although the river is down, there is still lots up on and around the Sangamon River. USRC is preparing for this year's Riverfest so be sure and stop by our display booth. If you haven't purchased a raffle ticket for the 10 foot Potomac kayak yet, please do! It's the easiest way to get out there on the river. And […]

Wade in the Water

This time of year, the river is nearly walkable. Bruce was on the river and reports that a two hour trip took him and his boys closer to four. However, it's a great time to pick up trash and clean up debris, so there's always something to do! I was out repairing my concrete block stairway down my bank this […]

Get down, river.

The river is going down fast. It's now down below knee deep at my place, but still high enough to get my shorts wet when I walk out into the water. Of course, if it were 1978 and if I still had my 'Magnum PI' style cut-offs, that would be another story, one that horrifies my teenage daughters...

Fourth of July Weekend

This time of year, the River plays a central role in the life of my wife Carol and I. We spend many an afternoon on our bluff overlooking the river letting the river float our cares into the downstream sunset. We had a kayaking date this past Saturday morning. As a date, I highly recommend it. Our trip began