Scott and Bruce collect invertebrates during invertebrate

The Upper Sangamon River Conservancy was established in the Spring of 2009, growing out of a grassroots effort by community members who are concerned about the Sangamon River.

Our purpose is to preserve, maintain, monitor, and promote public use and awareness of the Sangamon River.

Meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. on the third Monday of each month and are open to the public; Edgar Room, Mahomet Public Library, 1702 E. Oak St., Mahomet.


USRC Board of Directors

Mike Daab – President, Champaign County Forest Preserve District Representative

Mary Stech – Vice President, Hospitality Coordinator

Joey Anthony – Secretary

Bart Duesdieker – Treasurer

Joe Niernberger – Natural Areas Coordinator, Highway Cleanup Coordinator

Vacant – Director, Communications Director

Scott Hays – Director, River Runners Coordinator

Mike DeCanto – Director

Michael Lambert – Director, Webmaster

Bruce Colravy – Citizen Science Coordinator, Director Emeritus