Duck Dynasty: Mahomet

This week, Notes from the River gets in on the action from the latest breakaway hit cable reality-show phenom: Duck Dynasty: Mahomet. Recently we had the opportunity to interview several of the show’s stars, a hirsute, tight-knit family of common, everyday folks running a highly successful local Mahomet operation. In the past few years, they have seen the fame and […]

The Canoe Lesson

A cautionary tale. And a (sort of) true story. The Bears went on a canoe trip down the Big River. But before they left, Scotty Bear advised, “After that big rain, the river is high. Perhaps we should wait to give it a try.” “Never fear”, Poppa Bear spoke up. “Benny Bear needs some lessons on what he’s doing when […]

Two Years (and counting)

This week, Notes from the River celebrates its Second Anniversary! And in celebration, we here at the Notes from the River Crack Research Staff decided to give our regular feature writer some much-needed time off. So we’re writing this week’s column. However, since we had such a hard time coming up with any interesting subjects, we decided just to interview […]

The Mahomet Citizen Scientist

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to become better informed about the world around them and to demonstrate the Superiority of their continent to those Europeans, they should take up Citizen Science.” So wrote Thomas Jefferson in 1776. Well, he didn’t actually write that of course. But he could have. He should have. […]

Appreciate your River Today!

I just recently learned that June is officially Illinois River Appreciation Month! I read in the Chicago Tribune that there are activities going on along the Fox River, the Des Plaines, the Illinois, the Kankakee and many others, too. And what a better way to appreciate our own Sangamon River, thought I, than to get out there on it. So […]