
Tonight on the Sangamon

Always remember to keep looking up.

The waxing crescent moon is hanging horns up and low in the Western sky tonight near the red giant Aldebaran, the eye of the Bull. Sirius is shining brightly as usual as the shoulders of the Big Dog to the South. The time changes this weekend and the Vernal Equinox is 11 days away. Things are definitely looking up!

Maple sap is running freely from my Sangamon River sugar maples, and it's being turned to syrup over at Tomahnous Farm.

In other news, 11 new Bluebird Houses have been installed at the Sangamon River Greenway to the west of the newly refurbished SR47 bridge south of Mahomet. Thanks to Chuck, Bruce, Jerry, Jon, and Alan for their hard work on all phases of this exciting project. Look for the story in next week's Citizen.

Scott's the new chair of the "River Activities Committee" and we'll be organizing regular paddles on weekends after our monthly meetings. We're all excited to be getting back on the river very soon. We'll keep you posted.

Also, there's lots more excitement and projects in the works at the USRC. Stay tuned, or better yet drop by our next meeting at the Mahomet Public Library.

And keep looking up…


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