
Things Goin’ On

Although the river is down, there is still lots up on and around the Sangamon River. USRC is preparing for this year's Riverfest so be sure and stop by our display booth. If you haven't purchased a raffle ticket for the 10 foot Potomac kayak yet, please do! It's the easiest way to get out there on the river. And a great way to donate 5 bucks to the group and maybe get something out of it for yourself, but either way, you're still a winner.

Bruce has been out on the river paddling and slogging and collecting invertebrates to display at our booth. The Riverwatch monitoring season is over and the river is reportedly rating in the "very good" range. Member Tim Garrow has taken to paddling the Lakes at Riverbend while the water is low. He reports it's boring, but a good way to stay in shape. Try it!

Also, local supporter Matt Pommier reports that his kids have been on the river pulling out tires and other garbage. Shout out for Matt & crew!! We really need to find a supporter to take the tires we get out of the river – for FREE please. We'd apparently have to pay $35 bucks just to get somebody to take one trash tractor tire! Can't someone donate this valuable service? Local tire stores? Let me know!

See you on the river (and at our booth)!


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