
The birds of Spring

I walked out to the bank this morning. Slowly, this time. I looked over and saw three male and one female wood duck paddling around by a fallen tree. Usually, I'm not stealthy enough not to make them fly away into the distance before I even get a good look, but this time, they just hung out, and slowly paddled downstream. They don't call this the most beautiful duck in North America for nothing!

Most evenings now, the owls start in as the sun sets, and this evening Carol also heard wild turkeys across the river.

And also, Bruce sends us pictures of the newest occupants of our Bluebird Houses along the Sangamon River, he spotted – and photographed – one nesting pair and saw evidence of several others. The project seems to be paying off nicely!

And now, the Bluebells are in full bloom in the bottomlands around my place, and despite the recent rain, the river remains low and peaceful. Great for paddling.

We're getting out there for Earth Day next weekend, with several of us meeting to clean up CR2600N near the Hazen Bridge. And we'll be paddling Saturday morning at 9, with cleaning supplies in hand to give the River the first of many Spring cleanings.

We hope to see you on the River!


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