
River’s down, things lookin’ up

The river is down as low as I've seen it so far this year. Crooked Creek, that runs by house, has stopped flowing. That's about normal. I was out for a swim in the river before work this morning. I live on the river, might as well enjoy it!

July 4 Freedom Fest was very successful for us as we met several new friends and potential new members and took in over $150 in new donations. Thanks to Mike for purchasing water bottles and Gatorade that were able to sell for a small USRC donation.

The USRC is well in preparation for the First Annual Sangamon River Duck Race on the Sangamon River in downtown Mahomet. All I can say is, it's about time Mahomet took advantage of being a Village on a River.  We're all looking forward to it. I have the duck trap, 36 swimming pool noodles and a length of rope that we're going to put together to make our end point. We're just waiting for the ducks.

On July10, Bruce is trying to get a group together to do the final two Riverwatch Monitoring sites, both on the Sangamon. It has been too high to monitor up to now, but conditions should be about right this Saturday. So far, the season has gone well, and this year, we have added a Sangamon Tributary that flows by the home of one of our members to the Riverwatch sites. So far, we have done Crooked Creek, Buffalo Trace, Wildcat Slough, and Tim's Sangamon Tributary.

On July 16, we are excited to be hosting our local chapter of the Sierra Club for a float down the river from the Sangamon River Forest Preserve down to Lake of the Woods. We hope the river is in good form to show off that weekend. All are welcome to join us, we only ask that participants join the organization for our $20 annual dues. That gives you access to all of our equipment and services, as available. I was out this past weekend paddling from the Hazen Bridge down to my place and it was a georgeous day with great river conditions. In addition, I saw quite a few herons at the rookery.

Thanks again to all our volunteers and supporters!

See you on the river!


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