
Paddling in Winter

Hi All

Woody and I did go out Saturday the 1st.  I wore long underwear and warm up pants, long sleeve T, hooded sweat shirt, and a water proof parka over a knit cap, ball cap and hooded sweat shirt.  On my feet I had socks and closed toed sandals.  I wore neoprene gloves.  The gloves were too tight so I wasn't circulating through them well and my hands got really cold. We left about 3:30 pm. Since we were cold, at least our hands were, we paddled most of the way fairly vigorously.  We never had to get out for a jam but had to scoot through a couple.  River level was good.  We saw a nice buck and 2 other deer, geese, mallards, owls, herons, squirrels, and assorted small birds. 

The drips from our paddles froze on the sides of our kayaks, paddle handles, and my warm up pants.  My gloves had ice on the fingers by the time we got to Val's office.  Took us about 1 hr. and 30 min.  It was a really enjoyable trip except for my hands.  I went late last fall, winter and early spring and don't remember being that cold but I had a different pair of neoprene gloves.

Mike Boero

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