
Melting ice sheets

I was out walking Josh and Mowgli, our two dogs in the near-full moonlight this evening. If you don't get a chance to experience a full moon in the woods without the "benefit" of man-made lighting, you, my friend, are missing one of nature's true gifts. This is particularly true this time of year with the leafless trees letting maximum moonlight down on the ground with moon shadows of trees all around.The light of a full moon amazes and delights the senses.

Josh and I walked down to the slowly rising river's edge. The river is already up five or six feet from where it's been all winter. And finally, the ice from the river is nearly gone, and the river is a flowing river again. That is, except for the huge ice sheets floating rapidly and silently passed in the moonlight. Methinks kayaking season is nearly upon us. But I'll think I'll wait til the melting ice sheets pass, thanks.


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