The River and the Equinox

I sat by the river on the autumnal equinox pondering life, the beauty of the river, the trees and the changing of the seasons. The equinox is one of only two days a year when night precisely equals day, marking the onset of spring and then the fall.  So I also pondered the idea of equality. I was recently reading […]

Tales from a River Cleanup

It was a dark and stormy night… …which was particularly annoying since the Upper Sangamon River Conservancy had spent the last several weeks if not months planning a major river cleanup event on the Sangamon River scheduled to start first thing in the morning. And so, as it goes, I woke up at 6am Saturday morning to the disturbing tone […]

At Summer’s End

I sat by the river I Iooked at the sky And as I looked A summer went by. Paraphrasing from A Fly Went By, by Mike McClintock A Fly Went By was one of my favorite books growing up. And not just for the image forever emblazoned in my mind of the kid in bare feet and rolled up jeans […]